Friday, April 30, 2010


This abbey program is not a vacation..To those who you who dont know...It's school, it's work, it's life, it's experience, but it's also friendship. When you arrive at the abbey you may not like everyone here, may not ever talk to them, and alot of people you wont for at least the first 2 months..Then there's spring break. It was like a revolution here at the Abbey because we were all happy to see each other. We all had just been around the world with our closest friends here and we were anxious to see how everyone else's trips were. Then there are the creative things we organized and made our own together as a group. The parties, the talent show, the secrets for Jessica....Somewhere between all the drama and the schoolwork we became a family. That's most important when youre on this abbey trip. Not about where you come from, not about your background, It's about the person you are now, and that is what makes you special and brings you to the Abbey. It didnt matter that at first you thought your roomate was wierd, or that she isnt in your sorority, or that he just wont stop talking, even when theres no one around. It's just the fact that we all are here, and we made it to the end because we stuck together. When that old creepy man at the bar won't leave you alone...theyll say excuse me sir this is my girlfriend...Whether youre the last one stuck in Le Commerce on a tuesday night with a beer in one hand and a french guy in the other...youre abbey family watches over you...if your that girl at the disco who is throwing up and passing out because you had too much to drink...youre abbey family helps you to the bathroom...When youre crying they'll be your shoulder to lean on....When you dont want to be the only American in the store...theyll come in with you....That's what being at the Abbey is all about...Us all being different people, but when we come together we come and make each other strong....And it wont be until the end when you realize that WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER..even though I just finished watchin high school musical, this is true...Life is what you make it, and if you choose to make it at the in the moment..frienships here have potential to last forever....:) when you sign up for the abbey youre signing up for so much more than you bargained for...

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